Sunday, November 18, 2007

A letter to the head of the Lousiana SAG office

November 18, 2007
Ms. Shaw,
Hello. I am unsure what your exact jurisdiction is, but I am writing to see if your office has heard anything negative about the film project "Spring Break '83". I am a Texas based actor (SAGe) who did some extra work on their set and some concerns were raised by some of the others that things there may not be operating as they should. Several regular Louisiana extras told me that they had been working since the middle of October and had yet to be paid. My acquaintance was a wardrobe assistant and her entire department quit during the first week of November because they had not paid. From my own experience on set, I saw that the production was not run in an orderly fashion and I witnessed other extras being treated very poorly by members of the production.

Most of the extras and featured extras are not SAG or SAGe and therefore may not be aware of possible avenues in which to voice their concerns. At the suggestion of a friend, I am writing the Louisiana SAG office to see if these concerns were ever voiced or even if this situation merits further investigation.

I know you're a busy woman and I thank you so much for your time. Be blessed.

(name withheld)

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